Textile look
Textile wallpaper
Word combination “Textile wallpaper” has two meanings:
1. Textile effect wallpaper (with textile imitation).
2. Wallpaper harmonizes well with textile.
But, regardless of the meaning, on this page you will find an irrefragable answer to your question and easily select the product in the catalog that best fits your room design!
Textile effect wallpaper
The use of textile wallpaper in the room interior has recently become very popular. Due to the fact that textile has a really distinctive and unique design, at the same time it has a number of specific properties which require caution and careful exploitation. Thus, in order to preserve the exquisite appearance of natural textile, but to avoid the difficulties of exploitation use textile wallpaper.
Textile effect wallpaper, in comparison with a natural textile, has a number of advantages:
- Higher durability.
- Increased light resistance, moisture and mechanical defects resistance.
- Textile wallpaper are applied and removed much easier than textile fabric.
- The wallpaper smudges less and is easier to clean. Some types of vinyl wallpaper can even be washed with a brush and chemicals.
- Textile wallpaper design, made by the method of hot stamping, has a three-dimensional, relief structure that is practically indistinguishable from the texture visually and by touch.
- Using paintable textile wallpaper you may easily change room interior when you want to.
Combination of textile wallpaper with natural textile
In order to make home design look really amazing it’s not enough just to select the wallpaper. It is also important to consider how the wallpaper will harmonize with other interior elements, such as curtains, pillows, furniture or coverlets. Here are some recommendations that will help you choose beautiful and harmonious combination of textile wallpaper:
- The easiest way is to choose a fabric that fits the overall shade of the wallpaper. It is not necessary to choose exactly the same color as the wallpaper. You can choose lighter or darker shade.
- If there is a large amount of contrasting, flashy colors or ornaments on the wallpaper, the textile elements should be more moderate and calm.
- And vice versa if the wallpaper background is light bright saturated textile colors will look good. The use of complementary colors is a universal technique. Contrasting colors will look best. For example, red curtains and white wallpaper background or yellow wallpaper, which shade a blue or blue tint of furniture.
- If the interior is dominated by some kind of fabric, it will be good to choose wallpaper with a similar texture, for example, silk or cotton wallpaper, if the furnish or other accessories are made of these fabrics.
Buy textile wallpaper in on-line store with delivery
Unfortunately, the photo of the textile wallpaper does not completely convey all the nuances of visual and tactile effects. Therefore, in order to choose textile wallpaper design better, in the online store PROFhome.co.uk you can order a sample of the product you are interested in, which will be sent by mail. In addition, you can contact the support of the site and get professional advice. Please note that textile wallpaper price in the catalog is indicated for one roll.
To buy textile wallpaper, contact the site managers. They will help you to make the purchase and delivery as quickly as possible. Fast delivery of goods is carried out worldwide. Delivery times can be settled with the manager. Have a great shopping!